Learn More about the Continuum | - Introduction - Either take Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) as a Scout, or take Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC) as a Venturer. This course is usually a few hours or can be done overnight and is typically done at the unit level as a new Scout or Venturer.
- Unit Experience - Spend a few months up to a year of "on the job" experience.
- Cedar Badge Leadership and Adventure - This is a weeklong course that Grand Teton Council offers in the summer through the popular and highly acclaimed Cedar Badge program either at the Boy Scout level or Venturing level as an individual. Individuals who complete the course or serve on a staff may also elect to attend NYLT Leadership Academy offered nationally.
- Advanced Training
- Wood Badge - Advanced adult level training. Youth can participate starting at 18.
- SEAL (For Sea Scouts)
- National Advanced Youth Leader Experience (NAYLE) - The pinnacle program for Scouting and youth leadership training available at the nation's four high adventure bases.