LOCATION: Island Park Scout Camp
DATE: August 13 - 14, 2025 for Fellowship
Tachquiwi & LEC August 15-16, 2025
CHECK-IN: Wednesday AT 6 PM
CHECK-OUT: Saturday AT 2 PM
ALL Ordeal Candidates MUST complete the OA: Ordeal Candidate Information Form that accompanies this event registration. Ordeal candidates should eat well before arriving. ONLY bring a ground sheet and a sleeping bag. Be prepared for cool weather in the evenings.
Fees paid by Ordeal candidate cover the cost of the Ordeal sash, current year dues, OA pocket flap, food, and an Annual Pass for the remainder of all Lodge events during within this current calendar year. So register for the Tachquiwi also. To register for Tachquiwi, go back to the calendar, select Tachquiwi, select Annual Pass Holder, then follow the directions for registration. Use these same steps for all event registrations through Dec 31. Then renew your Annual Pass before December 31 to continue attending next years events,
BROTHERHOOD CANDIDATE (6 Months or longer as an Ordeal Member)
Fees paid by Brotherhood candidates cover the cost of the Brotherhood sash and food (DOES NOT INCLUDE DUES). Current Year Dues or an Annual Pass should be paid for prior to the event. Brotherhood candidates should be prepared with the brotherhood requirements found in the OA handbook. Bring a tent and other essential for an overnight camp out.
Fees paid by OA Participants cover the cost of food and admission into the event. Bring a tent and other essential for an overnight camp out. Current Year Dues or an Annual Pass should be paid for prior to the event.
This event is covered under your annual pass. Annual Pass or Current Year Dues can be purchased