PowWow Purpose
The merit badge program is one of Boy Scouting’s basic character-developing tools. Earning merit badges gives a boy the confidence that comes from learning and developing skills to achieve a goal - while working through adult mentors. At the Council PowWow, our purpose is to facilitate group instruction with approved merit badge counselors who will work with the Scouts during the PowWow sessions. However, this group experience should be accompanied by parent and local unit attention to each Scout’s projects and his ability to fulfill all merit badge requirements. Attending group instruction does not, by itself, qualify a Scout for any merit badge — Scout must complete all merit badge requirements! |
Merit Badge Instruction
Merit badge instruction is available to a Scout for up to four merit different badges of his choice (with some exceptions). Some classes are limited.
Before You Register a Scout
Please review the requirements for each merit badge before registering your Scout. Some of the requirements will be completed at the PowWow, but Scouts will need to work on a majority of the requirements at home, either before the program or as homework between sessions. Please take the time to go over the merit badge worksheets with your Scout BEFORE the PowWow so he will be prepared. A significant amount of class time will be used by the merit badge counselors to review and pass off the requirements that have been completed outside of class. There is no guarantee that a Scout will complete all requirements for a merit badge during the PowWow. If he does not, additional follow-up with your local merit badge counselor will be required.
Materials Needed
Each Scout will need to obtain and bring the following to the PowWow (these are NOT supplied at the PowWow):
- A Merit Badge Application Card (Blue Card) for each merit badge the Scout is pursuing (available at the Grand Teton Council Office, or possibly from your Scoutmaster). The Scoutmaster should sign these cards in advance of the PowWow.
- A Merit Badge Worksheet (see right) for each merit badge the Scout is pursuing. Please print and use the merit badge worksheets from the Council PowWow site ONLY. If others are used, we cannot guarantee the requirements will be covered by the instructor during the PowWow.
- A cheap Pen and clipboard or other flat item to write on. Tables may not be available.
Merit Badge Application Cards
In keeping with the BSA Grand Teton Council policy, merit badges may only be issued to those who use an official BSA Merit Badge Application Card.
PowWow Merit Badge Worksheets will not be accepted at the Council Office in place of the official Merit Badge Application Card. Each Scout will be responsible to obtain his own cards and have them signed by his Scoutmaster before the PowWow begins. Merit badge cards will be signed by PowWow merit badge counselors only if all merit badge requirements are completed. Scouts who do not complete all the requirements should take their partially completed Merit Badge Worksheets to their local Badge Counselors or leaders for completion, review, and signature
Council Merit Badge Pow Wow
Class Schedule
7:30 am Arrival
7:45 am Opening Flag ceremony
8:00 am First Class
9:10 am Second class
10:15 am - 10:25 Snack Time - Snacks available
10:25 am Third class
11:35 am Fourth Class
12:40pm Clean-up [Clean chair and stack on holders/clean table and stack]
12:55 pm Closing flag - Announcements
1:00 pm Scout Pickup
Emails for will be sent to the person who signed you up with information on Jan 12. This email should be parents email, second email should be Scoutmaster
Click the Merit Badge to download the worksheet that you MUST bring with you along with a blue card signed by your Scout leader.
Worksheet Instructions
Print the Merit Badge Worksheet for each class in which you enroll.
Read the requirements listed on each worksheet and review beforehand to see which requirements will likely need extra time to complete.
Bring your worksheets to the PowWow classes—they will NOT be provided by the PowWow.
Each Scout needs to complete all requirements and show them to the Counselor to pass off the badge
Save your worksheets in case you need to complete any requirements after the program, or in case you misplace your merit badge card.
Eagle Required Word Format
* Most merit badges have at least one requirement that must be completed before the Council PowWow. Please view the worksheet beforehand to see which requirements will likely need extra time to complete. Scouts will need to work on a majority of the requirements at home, either before the program or as homework between sessions. Each Scout needs to complete all requirements and show them to the Counselor to pass off the badge.
Early Registration is $25 (plus a 3% transaction fee online) if paid by Dec 20th. $10 late fee afterwards. Registration ends Jan 10th.. Approximately Jan 15th you will receive an email with your class schedule. Show this as your entry pass. If you wish to avoid the transaction fee OR want to pay with cash, check, or with funds in your unit account BEFORE The event, you will need to go into a Service Center or call in over the phone to register and pay. The email will be sent to the email address of the person who signed you up at registration.
The sessions you sign up for on day 1 will the same on day 2.
Bring your PAID REGISTRATION FORM for Admittance
The Scout, the Scout's Parent's, or Scout's Leader can register the Scout. Scouts must be 11 at the time of the PowWow and no older than 18.
During the registration process, a Scout may register for up to four DIFFERENT merit badges. At registration, you will take a survey listing the first 6 classes you want in order. You will be assigned classes as available.
A confirmation receipt will be sent to those who register. This your entry ticket so bring it with you. You will receive an email a few days before the Pow Wow with the classes you will take. If you do not receive a confirmation email please call the scout office to update your email or finish the registration process. Please have your Scout bring this schedule with him each day of the PowWow.
The PowWow has limited enrollment. The registration fee is the same even if he registers for only one class. No registrations accepted after January 10th, 2024
Cancellation and Refunds: You may cancel your registration up to 1/19/2024 and can get a full refund.
PowWow takes place on two Saturday mornings. To volunteer, email Curtis Roth, curtisroth52@gmail.com or call 208-881-4959.
You will be required to: