Resources Still more Questions? You're invited to the Jamboree party Wednesday August 24 at the IF office 7:00pm. All persons interested are invited. Please RSVP by Monday the 22. Games, food, fun to BUY JAMBOREE PATCHES - Call the Scout Office 208-522-5155 or email  | Download Flyer for Promotions  | |  American Heritage Tour Troop led by Brian Harris (for boys ONLY age 12-17 for the duration of the Jamboree) LDS Heritage Tour Troop led by DeLynn Simmons (for boys ONLY age 12-17 for the duration of the Jamboree) LDS Heritage Tour Venturing Crew led by Alma Stumpp (coed for youth who have finished the 8th grade before the Jamboree begins up to age 20) You will setup through this area a profile account with GRAND TETON COUNCIL to pick your contingent and to make payments. If you already have a profile with the council (you may have used it to sign up for other council events such as summer camp) please use that account. Do not set up another one. This account username and password will not work with the NATIONAL JAMBOREE site. |